Use this website only if you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. You should not view or access this website if you do not agree to be bound by this terms. Please read the terms carefully.
- Any information found on this website is for general information purposes only. While Bid Africa One made all reasonable effort to ensure that the information you find on this website is accurate at the time of inclusion, we understand that there may be inaccuracies and occasional errors for which Bid Africa One apologizes.
- You (the visitor of this website) are solely responsible for your use of the information provided through this website, including items used either directly or indirectly from this website or any hypertext links to any websites. Bid Africa One makes no warranties and accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in this website or through this website.
- The information and images found within this website are © Copyright Bid Africa One Limited. You may make both print and electronic copies of the information found within this website for your personal use, but only so much of the site that is reasonable for private purposes. You may not make copies of the information found within this website for commercial purposes without our express permission in writing and may not frame this site.
- Your use of this website shall not be for any illegal purposes. You agree that you shall not send, post, copy, allow or use any position which is abusive or defamatory or which is obscure, indecent or in breach of the privacy of any person. You also agree not to engage in any activity that may interfere with the operations of this website or with the enjoyment of this website by other visitors. Such activities that you may not engage in include and not limited to sending any spam, unsolicited promotional or advertising material, or any volume message or similar materials.
- Bid Africa One without notice, reserves the right to make changes to, suspend or permanently discontinue any part or all of this website and/or prohibit or restrict access to it.
- If you are found in breach of our “Terms of Use”, we may as an option, suspend or block your access to this website and refuse giving you any further access to it.
- Your use of this website and downloads from it, and the operation of these terms of use, shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Nigerian court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of your use of this website.
- These terms may be amended by Bid Africa One from time to time. It’s your sole responsibility as the user of this website to check if any changes to these terms have been made even as we may try to notify you of any change.
In the event that any or part of the terms contained in these terms and conditions shall be determined by competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such terms shall to that extend be severed from the remaining terms which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by the law.
References to “Bid Africa One”, “Bid Africa One Nigeria”, “Bid Africa One Limited”, “we”, “us” and “our” are references to Bid Africa One Limited and its affiliates.
Please contact us if you have any questions or inquiries.